Numerology Charts

Knowledge is Power…

numerology is a way to gain understanding of; who am I ? why am I here? what is my purpose? what am I here to learn?

These answers are found in the choices which are represented by your birthday and the letters that compose your name. These numbers and letters reveal “what you signed up for”. They also can identify your contract you made with GOD; your personality, your professional and social Behavior Patterns, your reactions to people, your career choices, your Path, Your destiny, your life’s calling, and your karmic lessons. Your birthdate and name will also identify challenges you’ve chosen for each aspect of you life, as well as providing “soulutions” to those challenges.

In between lifetimes, each soul reviews its most recent life and determines which preselected lessons it has mastered, which it has avoided, and which lessons it has begun but procrastinated completing. It then chooses the lessons it “wants” to continue working on in its upcoming life. Once the Soul chooses its lessons, it chooses Specific letters (your name) and its specific numbers (your birthdate) to activate the personality characteristics and the life events required for its new learning. Having selected the letters and numbers for its new life the soul whispers its new name into the ears of its parents… yes, we chose our parents and our families!!

The first name represents; physical self, health, finances, professional relationships, and how you behave everyday (especially at work). The middle name represents; your emotional self, how you behave emotionally, what type of partners attract you (if you do not have a middle name, the karmic implication is that you’re here to work on balancing your emotions. People without a middle name are either emotionally intense or emotionally flat). The last name represents the family you chose to activate your karmic lessons. Your birthdate will show; your soul’s urge (your contract with God) it represents your destiny, numerology will also give you a timeline of when events are to happen in your life.. every number has a positive and negative flow of energy; these words do not indicate good or ad, but instead the directional flow of the energy of your choices.

numerology charts; $100. I will need your full name exactly as it is written on your birth certificate and your birthday.