Past Life Regression
Have you ever had the feeling that you may have known someone you just
met? Or that you lived in a different place and a different time? Have you
spent time exploring issues from your current life theme or pattern? Are you
curious about reincarnation, who you might have been in a previous life or if
you have unfinished business from a past lifetime? Past Life Regression
Hypnotherapy helps people explore their prior lifetimes. The insights from
these experiences usually result in a broader life understanding which can
help to deal more effectively with current and chronic life problems.
Through Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy you can:
See your connections with current family members and friends which are facilitated by past life memories
Understand personal relationships that may be challenging and difficult
Gain a deepened understanding of current life themes, events, issues, patterns
Uncover talents and abilities from the past
Discover events that are the root of physical problems
View significant relationships more clearly
Gain a greater awareness of your life purpose
Explore karmic patterns which involve spiritual lessons
Clear negative karmas and past life contracts
Understand the origin of fears unrelated to current life experiences which may include phobias and panic attacks
Have a deeper awareness of yourself in ways you previously did not understand
Have a deeper understanding of your purpose in life, and knowing why you feel or behave the way you do
If you’d like more information or to schedule a session, call Judith
for a free phone consultation. or text or
call 203-481-8773 $125.